Edys Mills natives celebrate 100 times two


They were born in the same place and now they’re celebrating their 100th birthday together.
David Gall and Thelma Jacques were both born about 100 years ago in Edys Mills, south of Oil Springs. They went to a one-room school together for a while, but then lost track of each other.
It wasn’t until they both moved into Park Street Place that they realized they were old neighbours.
Recently, the pair marked a milestone together. Gall turned 100 on Feb. 27 and Jacques will celebrate her first century May 18. Having two people who are 100 years old living in the same place was so rare, the people at Park Street Place asked Chatham-Kent Mayor Randy Hope and North Kent Councillor Joe Faas to come and celebrate.
Faas has known Gall for a long time but “didn’t realize Dave was 100 because he was always riding his bicycle.”
Gall lived most of his life in the Dresden area, doing every kind of farm work imaginable, including being on a threshing crew which travelled the area.
His bicycle was his main mode of transportation and his sons say he was on the road until he was 98.
Gall still rides today, just indoors. He hops on his stationary bike twice a day for a half hour. “It keeps my legs going,” he tells The Independent.
Jacques just recently came to Park Street Place and struck up a conversation with Gall. “I came here and I didn’t know anyone and I asked him where he went to school. He said Edys Mills and that’s where I went.”
The pair remembered very little about each other from that time. Jacques later left school and went to work in the Croton store. It was there she met her husband. They married in 1941 and had three children.
Jacques was very active in her church and loves music. She can play organ, piano, accordion and harmonica, all by ear.
While she doesn’t play for others, Jacques still plays for enjoyment. She’s not sure if her love of music is part of the secret to her longevity.
“I don’t know if I did anything different… I just live for today and let tomorrow look after itself.”


  1. Congratulations to both of you and Happy Birthday ???? to both of you and may you have many more

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