Spring break is still on says education minister

Education Minister Stephen Lecce

Elementary and high school students will get their Spring Break as scheduled.

That from Education Minister Stephen Lecce today. Premier Doug Ford raised speculation the government would put off the already delayed break yesterday saying it was unclear what could happen as the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise.

The Toronto District School Board warned teachers to be prepared for the change after Ford’s comments.

Today, Canadian Press is quoting Lecce saying the break will go ahead April 12.

But the premier is asking people to continue to lay low. During his daily press conference he asked Ontarians to cancel any plans they’ve made for Easter.

The Ontario COVID-19 Science Table head has said variants are accelerating the spread of the virus and ICU’s now have over 410 people ill with COVID and risk being overwhelmed.

The province reported 2,336 new cases of COVID-19, the highest since January.