Another internet project in Dawn-Euphemia


Another internet provider is looking to improve service for Dawn-Euphemia residents. But the mayor says it will take much more to make sure the entire community is connected to the vital service.

Dawn-Euphemia has long been a difficult place to stay connected. Over the years, several internet projects were started with some successes. But Mayor Al Broad says there are still plenty of spots in the southern most municipality in Lambton where cell phone calls are dropped an internet is spotty to nonexistent.

Monday, a project by Xplornet Communications was reviewed by council. The company plans to build a 45 metre high internet tower on a private farm on Bentpath Line near Cairo.

It’s expected to serve the southeastern part of the township, Newbury and possibly Bothwell as well.

The company has completed its studies on the project and is now in a 20-day public consultation process where residents can call the company and ask questions and raise any concerns.

Broad says the township welcomes more service but he’s pessimistic the connectivity problems in his rural community will be solved in his lifetime.
That, Broad said, would a massive project to connect homes with a fibre network – which be cost prohibitive.

“That is no different than putting a municipal water line up and down our roads – it is a significant cost.”

Broad says the only other alternative is new technology which would not be limited by buildings and trees.