St. Clair councillors question need for cycling path in Corunna


St. Clair Township is taking a second look at building a cycling path along Cameron Street.

Andrew Malpass, Coordinator of Engineering suggested the township build a cycling path along Cameron Street from Lyndoch to Bentinck while the road is being reconstructed this summer. The idea came from an active transportation plan that is in the works now.

“The active transportation plan is recommending a bike path along Cameron and that connection to Queen and to Hill Street.”

Malpass was looking for direction on whether to build the path as part of the road or beside the road, similar to a sidewalk.

But some councillors didn’t think Cameron needed a bike path.

“There is a sidewalk along there already and I think we should just rebuild the road and put the new watermain in as is,” said Councillor Pat Brown adding “until we see the full active transportation plan I don’t really think Cameron Street is the first street I’d want to start out for any type of activity cycling path.”

Malpass said the plan had been delayed because of funding issues, but right now, residents are filling out a survey to figure out what is needed.

“This one (street) is obviously due to be reconstructed, so we want to make sure that we were building it in the right way so we’re not wasting money to come back afterwards and do something then,” said Malpass.

He added the plan, as it stands now without public input, calls for a cycling path down Cameron.

“The challenge with not doing anything with this section of Cameron means that obviously it will dictate what happens with the rest of Cameron. … it will interrupt that pathway.”

Councillor Heather Foster asked council to delay the decision until the next council meeting so she could get more information on the issue and council agreed.

It’s not clear how much the cycling path would cost. Malpass says there is funding available to build the routes in St. Clair now.