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Plympton-Wyoming hopes to have beach at Lamrecton ready for summer use
February 9, 2016
Plympton-Wyoming council hopes to have beach access at the former Lamrecton Camp open to the public this summer.
The United Church gave the municipality the beachfront land last fall saying it was no longer viable to run as a camp.
Mayor Lonny Napper was excited by the prospect saying it is very rare for waterfront property to be reclaimed by the municipality.
The town sought ideas for use of the land and the public suggested everything from an off-leash dog park to a boat launch, to picnic areas and walking trails to residential development. There was also discussion about how community groups or private businesses might run summer camps at the park.
But Councillor Ben Dekker, the chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee, says the municipality has the short-term goal to have the beach open to the public this summer.
Dekker says council has asked staff to come back to council with a report on what needs to be done to make that happen. Dekker expects the old cabins will likely have to be removed from the property and the other buildings which may remain will have to be secured. There will also have to be some consideration for parking.
The steel staircase which leads from the park to the beach will need to be repaired, he says adding council will need to know how much that will cost before moving ahead.
“But we want the area open to the public,” says Dekker.
Meantime, Mayor Lonny Napper is planning a reunion for people who attended the camp over the years. He expects that will take place in June.
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