Lambton’s state of emergency lifted


Lambton County has ended its State of Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The county dropped the order this morning, one year and 350 days after imposing it March 18, 2020.

Municipal governments can impose a State of Emergency in an extraordinary situation to give government wider powers so it can respond quickly to developing events using extraordinary resources.

Officials say the county believes it is now positioned to respond to COVID-19 without the state of emergency.

“Lifting the State of Emergency means the County believes it can incorporate the ongoing response to COVID-19 within our day-to-day operations without significant outside assistance,” said Warden Kevin Marriott in a news release.

Marriott says while the State of Emergency is over and restrictions are lifting, COVID-19 is still here and the county will continue to monitor the virus. He urges people continue following public health guidelines.

And he asks people to be compassionate and understanding to others who might not be comfortable with restrictions easing.

In March 2020, the county and all of its municipalities issued a State of Emergency. Several communities, including Warwick and Dawn-Euphemia, have already lifted their orders. Petrolia meets in special session Friday afternoon to do the same.