Accident spurs calls for more changes on Shiloh Line

A car heads down Shiloh Line toward AW Campbell Conservation Area.

Neighbours of AW Campbell Conservation Area near Alvinston are again raising concerns about a sharp curve on Shiloh Line.

Sunday morning, just before 2 am, a young man on an ATV crashed into the field and was thrown from the vehicle. Brooke Fire Rescue, Lambton paramedics and the OPP were called to the scene. The young man was taken to hospital with serious injuries which have already required several operations.

Chris Wygergangs lives across the road from the crash site. She and her neighbours urged Brooke-Alvinston councillors to make improvements to the road in 2020 and then again in 2021 when the municipality paved Shiloh.

Wygergangs says last year, there were a number of changes at the suggestion of Brooke-Alvinston’s insurance agent.

“The signs were replaced with higher visibility (paint) and there were clearer directions for the curve. That was a great change,” she tells The Independent.
“It was also suggested the row of trees be removed, which they all were. If I understood..if someone missed the curve, they would go into the field, not hitting a tree.”

But Wygergangs says the stumps were left behind, the ridge the trees were on is so steep vehicles have a rough ride going into the field.

And she says the trees may have actually been a visual cue for people cresting Shiloh to follow the road.

Wygergangs says in the last four months there have been three or four accidents at the curve, despite the changes.

“We’re not just complaining to hear ourselves talk, but we have legitimate concerns. Obviously the changes the Municipality of Brooke Alvinston made – bigger, brighter, more clear signs, and removing the trees – that were supposed to make the curve more visible to drivers and safer has not worked. My opinion, based on numbers, is that it may be worse now. Three to four accidents in four months is a massive increase. Previous to December there was maybe that many in 10 years.
“The busy traffic seasons haven’t started yet. Something needs to change. Quickly.”

Wygergangs says the neighbours have brainstormed to figure out what may help, including a flashing amber light on the sign which has the sharp curve warning and streetlights on the hydro poles on the corner.

“Someone from the municipality should make an effort to come talk to us and to sit and watch,” she says adding the campers will soon arrive making matters even worse.