
ICYMI: LaSalle Agri’s lawyer admits company wants to set up distribution center near cemetery Warwick officials say

June 2, 2020

Warwick Township officials say it is clear Buurma Farms Inc. wants to set up a commercial biomass fertilizer operation near Watford.
That’s contrary to what one of the principals of LaSalle Agri told The Independent a week ago.
Buurma Farms Inc. has filed applications against Warwick, Brooke-Alvinston and Dawn-Euphemia to the Normal Farm Practices Protection Board. Pre-trial hearings were held May 8.
The complaint stems from the municipalities’ bylaws which prohibit the stockpiling of fertilizer on a farmers’ field. Dawn-Euphemia officials and residents became concerned in February when a large pile of the fertilizer made from human waste was placed on Hale School Road. Roger Buurma told township officials it was to be used for his family’s land in the area.
Neighbours were concerned the pile was close to Longs Creek and could contaminate the local water source if there was a heavy rainfall. So, the township ordered Buurma to move the pile, using its zoning bylaw to back up the request.
A similar request was made in Brooke-Alvinston where neighbours complained to the municipality of a pile of the fertilizer approved for commercial use. It also used its zoning bylaw to have the fertilizer moved.

In March, Buurma Farms Inc. – which includes LaSalle Agri – filed an appeal to the Normal Farm Practice Protection Board saying piling the fertilizer is part of normal agricultural activity.
Amanda Gubbels, the administrator of Warwick Township and Ben Puzanov, the manager of planning for Lambton County were among those at the pre-trail hearing. Both say it is clear the appeal in Warwick includes a new commercial operation.
“Our understanding, based on the application is this is for a storage and distribution centre,” says Gubbels noting the land is on Nauvoo Road, heading into Watford and near two cemeteries and walking trails. One of the complaints about the biomass fertilizer is the smell, which some residents say forced them to stay indoors even in the summer.
“Essentially, they are proposing the same use as they had at 6092 Nauvoo Road,” Gubbels added. “The municipality treats that as a commercial use – a storage and shipping commercial component.”
The municipality went to court and was successful in getting LaSalle Agri to move a massive pile of the fertilizer from agricultural land near Highway 402 in 2019.
Puzanov agreed lawyers for the company confirmed there is a commercial component to the Warwick appeal, even though the company has yet to approach the municipality with a plan.
Roger Buurma, in an interview with The Independent May 6, said the fertilizer would only be for use on the land in Warwick.
Buurma added Lasalle Agri’s product would not be placed on the field this year.
Buurma accused The Independent of “drumming up” anger in the community against the company and unfairly characterizing what the hearing was about.“People will find out that you have reported inaccurately because you are misleading them,” says Buurma.
The NFPPB will hear the complaint against Brooke-Alvinston first.
A date for that hearing has not been set because of COVID-19 restrictions which limit gatherings to five people.

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